
The Dangers of Moldy Weed: Is Your Stash Compromised?

Molds are a vast subcategory of fungus, distinctly different from yeasts. Molds reproduce by producing asexual spores, and these microscoping spores enter our bodies all the time. Miniscule amounts of most types of mold spores...

How to Overcome a Weed Hangover

Weed hangovers are somewhat peculiar, because the majority of cannabis users don’t seem to experience them at all. But no, we didn’t make them up. Though not as many, there are people who frequently have...

Weed Confidential: Using Cannabis in Stealth Mode

We are strange creatures – sometimes we get great kicks from keeping a secret. Knowing something other people don’t exudes a very particular feeling of both nervousness (fear of getting caught) and adventure. Now, when...

How Tech Is Transforming Cannabis

One unique aspect of the cannabis industry is that it is sprouting in high-tech times, unlike many other industries that have come before it. This allows the cannabis industry to be imbued with tech in...

Psilocybin Molecule: The Agent of Transfiguration

Anyone who’s went through a well-thought-out serious dose of mushrooms can tell you that psilocybin is a truly life-changing compound. This molecule first emerged 10 to 20 million years ago, and its primary function was...
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