Greencamp Author :
About the author
Eric Stober

Eric is an experienced journalist that enjoys cannabis for its many creative benefits. He has written for Global News, Post City magazine, The Grid and many more blogs.

How Tech Is Transforming Cannabis

One unique aspect of the cannabis industry is that it is sprouting in high-tech times, unlike many other industries that have come before it. This allows the cannabis industry to be imbued with tech in...

Cannabis may affect the heart’s structure: study

A new study suggests that regular cannabis use could change the structure of the heart, though it cautions further research is necessary for definitive answers. The study was done by Queen Mary University in London,...

The Journey Of Home Growing Weed

Did you know Canadians can now legally grow four cannabis plants in their own home? Home growing was legalized when recreational cannabis became legal in the country in October, 2018. But how many people actually...
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