3 Best Ways to Feminize Cannabis Seeds
3 Best Ways to Feminize Cannabis Seeds
Most people are already aware that cannabis buds we use today come only from female plants. Male plants pollinate female plants, which produce seeds upon pollination. Just like children, some seeds end up being female...
Smoking Weed With A Cold: Beneficial or Harmful?
Smoking Weed With A Cold: Beneficial or Harmful?
Every year it’s the same story—the winter comes and viruses and bacteria start happily dancing in the air, looking for their next victim. Sore throat and a runny nose are very annoying and, when you...
What Is Kush Cannabis and Why Is It So Popular?
What Is Kush Cannabis and Why Is It So Popular?
Kush is a species of cannabis which originated in the Hindu Kush mountain range, located on the borders of Afghanistan and Pakistan. What is Kush? Kush is a Cannabis indica strain that pulls its heritage...
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