Brazil finally has medical marijuana regulations in place
Brazil finally has medical marijuana regulations in place
After several delays, Brazil finally has regulations for launching medical marijuana sales this week. Brazil’s national health surveillance agency, the Anvisa (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária), approved regulations for launching medical marijuana sales in the...
10 Weirdest CBD Products
10 Weirdest CBD Products
Today we have a long line of mainstream CBD products with alleged health benefits. That’s because the contemporary CBD hype has rapidly shaken off the traditional stoner connotations and gowned itself in wellness outfit. Some...
Marijuana Effects on the Brain
Marijuana Effects on the Brain
Any fool can know. The point is to understand.  – Albert Einstein There’s a vast difference between knowing and understanding In today’s world, due to the accessibility of information and the ways they’re being shared,...
The Present and Future of Cannabis Research
The Present and Future of Cannabis Research
There’s an echoing conclusion in contemporary cannabis literature: we need more research on the subject matter. It’s usually stated in the final thoughts of online articles, discussions of studies’ results, and throughout the scientific reviews....
The Journey Of Home Growing Weed
The Journey Of Home Growing Weed
Did you know Canadians can now legally grow four cannabis plants in their own home? Home growing was legalized when recreational cannabis became legal in the country in October, 2018. But how many people actually...
Boundless Tera Review: Clouds That Speak Volumes
Boundless Tera Review: Clouds That Speak Volumes
Third time’s a charm, isn’t it? Boundless should hope so. After releasing two semi-successful versions of the Tera, Boundless found themselves in a bit of a pickle, facing a fair share of user-generated pressure. Everyone...
Agent Orange Weed: Top Choice for Medical Users
Agent Orange Weed: Top Choice for Medical Users
Getting to know a cannabis strain is always an exciting experience, especially when its name suggests a mystery or some great action awaiting. Agent Orange weed does just that. Not only does it have powerful...
Smoking Weed After Wisdom Teeth Removal
Smoking Weed After Wisdom Teeth Removal
Wisdom teeth removal can be a very painful intervention. The thing is, the intervention itself is not painful because you’re numbed by anesthesia, but as soon as the effects of the anesthesia wear off, you...
Yocan Cerum Atomizer Review
Yocan Cerum Atomizer Review
Many entry-level solutions are more than enough to satisfy our basic vaping needs. Very often, though, that is not enough. If you’re a more demanding buyer who needs more from their vaporizer, Yocan Cerum jumps...
Door Filter is one way to tackle pesky pot smells
Door Filter is one way to tackle pesky pot smells
A common complaint about cannabis is its smell, especially for those who live in condos and can get a whiff of their neighbours’ “extra-curricular activities.” One product to help combat that smell is Door Filter....
Source Orb 4 Vaporizer Review
Source Orb 4 Vaporizer Review
Ever since Source introduced the fourth generation of their vaporizers, I’ve been checking them out. Especially the Signature Kit with tempting 8 atomizers. But this baby was a bit pricey for me, so I left...
Weed Jobs Are Growing Like Weeds
Weed Jobs Are Growing Like Weeds
There’s a time and place for everything, and judging by cannabis business statistics, now is the perfect time to look for weed jobs in the Western countries. Here are some of the statistics you can...
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